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22 Home Annivesary Spreadsheeet Dates
22 Home Anniversary Cards
21 Snagit added
20 Scanner Pro is available
Buyer's Showings Form. Details form and comments
07 Pre-Buyer's Interview Form - can now be downloaded.
09 Display iPad on Computer - video is now available
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You get all the above which is Thousands of Dollars in technology
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That is only $2.50 per month paid annually. That's less than a coffee at Starbucks
The video below is a FREE Sample of TRELLO. It is amazing
iRealtyTek takes you from "Meeting a Prospect" to "Closing the Deal"
The iPad is necessary. It doesn't matter which iPad you use. If you are buying a new one go to an Apple Store, Best Buy, Office Depot or whatever office supply company you use. Simply handle them all and see which one feels right to you.
Only 1 App needs to be purchased for your iPad - "PDF Expert" - It is by far the most useful app you will ever own.
Below are titles of some of the instructional videos in RealtyTek library
The latest updates are always at the top .